Unser Team
Amber Koch
Bryce has been my built-in best friend since the day he was born. He might be my little brother but now he’s one of the people I look up to most. I admire his drive, intelligence and creativity.
He’s grown from an (sometimes) annoying little boy into a confident, successful young man and nothing makes me prouder than watching him thrive.
Bryce brought Mireia into my life and with that I’ve won a sister. Over the past 8 years, she has grown into a beautiful woman who I turn to for advice and who I get to share some of my favorite memories with.
I can’t wait to see all the adventures Mireia and Bryce take on together.
What an honour it is to witness a love story like theirs.
Tel.: +41 78 603 96 64
E-Mail: amber.sieber@hotmail.com
Janna Eschenmoser
Friendship Timetable:
2012- 2015 starting our friendship OMR Heerbugg & OMR Voices
keeping in touch, shared our love for singing & cozy boat getaways
2018 from now on we have always met in singing lessons
shared our Tibits love & good food in general, met for dog walkies & took pictures together with Bryce
2022 went to the Lorde concert & first trip to Copenhagen
shared our love for cozy movie nights & seasonal creativity
shared our love for long voice memos, honest coffee talks & mutual letters
2024 shared our love for Copenhagen so we decided to visit for a second time
shared our love for all the small things in life
2025 It’s wedding time
Thank you for still being by my side ♡
Tel.: +41 78 637 14 87
E-Mail: janna.eschenmoser@gmx.net